As I write this, Seattle radio icon, Charlie Brown, is gravely ill and not expected to live. That was reported only hours ago by his friend and colleague Michael O’Shea (read Michael’s message here). I am posting a video that belongs to Michael and it captures the day KUBE-FM in Seattle went on the air. What a game changer that was in the Seattle-Tacoma metro, a precursor of FM dominance.
Michael O’Shea, Charlie Brown and the on-air staff at the station’s inception (Ty Flint, Tom Hutyler, Bob Case, Wendy Christopher and Mark Edwards) appear here. In the Pacific Northwest, Charlie Brown was also a top deejay at KJR-AM & FM in Seattle, KJRB-Spokane, and KPUG-Bellingham.
Years ago, I discovered this video when I was researching an article for QZVX. The sound and images always fascinated me, to think that a motion picture camera was running as KUBE-FM was born. This video is not tightly edited, but that is part of its charm — it is real! In living color you see what was happening in the studio on that July day in 1981 when Seattle radio history was in the making. (Charlie is wearing the checkered shirt and the headphones. Michael looks like the general manager, which he was, wearing a vest, a tie and he has a mustache.)
Presently editor and historical writer with QZVX.COM in Seattle. Former radio broadcaster and radio station owner, 1970-1999. Journalism and speech communications degrees. I enjoy researching articles and online reporting that allows me to meld together words, audio and video. P.S. I appreciate and encourage reader comments and opinions. View other articles by Steven Smith