Kirk Wilde – KPUG

Steven Smith uploaded a video about “KPUG in Bellingham, and probably the most popular ever jock in this town….Kirk Wilde. At KSND, he was Kirk Allison on the air. This has cool collection of 1960’s photos of Wilde and the back ground track is a real KPUG jingle from 1966-1967.”

1 thought on “Kirk Wilde – KPUG

  1. mikec says:
    January 23, 2017 2:43 pm at
    man does this ever take me back! Thanks so much for putting this together Steven – there’ll NEVER be another station like 11-7 KPUG!! I’ve watched it 3 times already! 🙂

    Steven Smith says:
    January 23, 2017 3:26 pm at
    Mike, I have lots more material, just need the time to process it.I was a kid raised with KPUG. First jocks I ever listened to in 1966 were Kirk Wilde, Gary Shannon and Charlie “Harvey” Brown. To me, Wilde will always be the most memorable. He knew how to capture the teen audience,very popular with Jr High, High School, college age and younger marrieds and singles, I just wish I could get my paws on some of his airchecks. His numbers back then were great, I have some of the surveys.

    mikec says:
    January 23, 2017 3:30 pm at
    Steven I started listening to KPUG in earnest early ’67 & remember Kirk, Gary, “Harvey”, George, Norm G, Pat Henry, Scott Campbell weekends & a few I can’t recall at the moment. The dozen or so KPUG Super Hit Surveys in my collection have all been sent to Jason way back when he first started this site. Listening forward to whatever goodies are in your collection – thanks for sharing with us!

    pugetsound says:
    January 23, 2017 5:40 pm at
    Search KPUG here to see those surveys from Mike. Looking forward to more great content from Steve Smith. Thanks to both of you for your contributions!

    Steven Smith says:
    January 23, 2017 10:45 pm at
    I checked out the surveys, the one was already in the video I made. Good selection. I used to see those at the Syndicate of Sound record store….A tiny hole in the wall on Cornwall Ave. It was run by recently deceased Peter Lee. In that shop I saw Norm Gregory from KPUG a few times and, also, a young Kathi McDonald of the Unusuals. They were a popular PNW garage band. Kirk is the guy who inspired me to get into radio and I like to write about him when I can. He was a great jock.

    mikec says:
    January 24, 2017 8:08 pm at
    ah yes the Syndicate of Sound! I also picked up the Super Hit Survey at Pay-n-Save Drugs – another good outlet for hit singles. In the early 70’s there was an excellent record shop (can’t temember the name) on State St towards Fairhaven. It had bootlegs & bought/sold used albums & singles & advertised on KPUG

    Steven Smith says:
    January 25, 2017 6:32 pm at
    When I was a kid, the biggie record store was Stark’s on Holly St. You told them what you wanted to hear and the sour woman, tired of kids, would put it on. So if you wanted to hear They are Coming to Take Me Away, Ha Ha Ho Ho…Then everyone in the shop knew you were a loser. I was surprised to learn the shop had no connection to Dick Stark’s family. Then there was the Syndicate in late sixties. The only one I recall being on State St was named something like Golden Oldies run by Chuck. First it was on State St down by Hardware Sales but then it moved down the street almost to that y in the street that takes you to Fairhaven or the waterfront.

    mikec says:
    January 27, 2017 3:51 pm at
    ‘Golden Oldies’ must have been the name I couldn’t recall. Although I don’t remember it down by Hardware Sales, I DO recall shopping there a lot when located close to that “Y” intersection on State St. I still have my copy of Led Zeppelin bootleg (“Pb” which stood for ‘Pure Blues’) & was supposedly recorded at the Vancouver Coliseum which I purchased from that store…probably some other LPs in the collection from there too. I also dragged some LPs down there to trade in as he had a great selection of used LPs & 45’s, and of course, the latest KPUG Super Hit Survey

    Steven Smith says:
    January 27, 2017 7:13 pm at
    I might not have the name exactly right, but that is close.

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